After thinking and semi planning this idea for about 12 weeks. It got to the stage where I needed help, so I reached out and some very cool people replied to give me some support refining what I had in mind. Thus, a big thanks to Nafisah, Doris, Hannah, Matt and Vee who all replied and chatted with me.

For a while I have been thinking I wanted to do something to acknowledge and celebrate the brave, interesting and inspiring work so many of you put into mental health blogging. I wasn't exactly sure what the best way to do this was. Then one day, I don't know exactly when (but safe to say I was in bed, on the toilet or driving), I thought about previous discussions I have had with many of you about awards.
Awards are not the be all and end all and far too often they turn into a popularity contest. BUT, there is something lovely about recognising those that have done amazing things. It (for me) really isn't about winning (but that is super cool), its about acknowledging and celebrating OUR successes and at this point in time I just can't think of a better way.
Far too often mental health bloggers are left out. Most don't work with brands, and when they do they often receive much less attention than 'mainstream' bloggers do.

Our nights are more likely to be filled with intrusive thoughts, damaged relationships and struggles to believe we have self worth.
However, we write, we talk, we share our struggles with the world as openly as we can. That bravery and accomplishment, I believe, should be celebrated.
It is with that believe I am delighted to announce that I will be hosting the first ever South Coast Mental Health Blogger Awards next year!
There is still a lot (basically everything) to be sorted. So why announce this now you say. Well, I need to show there is an interest and a desire to have something like this to attract sponsors to the awards.
I would love to hold an actual awards evening in the South Coast between easter and summer time next year (2018), I just need to get more support for this to be possible. So if you are, or you know, someone that would be interested in supporting such an event please do get in contact with me. It can be financially (wink wink) or it could be to do with a venue, entertainment, catering, promotion, the awards, I'm very open to help and ideas.
I have spoken to a couple of groups / individuals who are interested in sponsoring an award. Which I am discussing with them.

My back up is hosting online, but I really want to be able to do more than that and to host an awesome evening for you all. Where everyone can meet and celebrate together, which of course could still be shared online.
If you have any thoughts or ideas that maybe worth discussing please feel free to get in contact or go find me @Mike_Douglas_.
I have added a page to my website for the SCMHBA (not sure about that) so there is somewhere with all the information as its confirmed.
I look forward to being able to share more information with you soon. Building on this idea and celebrating the amazing work, effort, energy, emotion and so much more you all put into raising awareness, supporting, signposting, explaining and comforting.