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  • Writer's pictureMike Douglas

Turning 30 - Well, not just yet

Last week was Christian's birthday. He turned 30.

Chris is the first of my friends from my pre-teens to turn 30, and this weekend will be Darryl's 30th. So the 30's are coming thick and fast. It's strange, at the moment this doesn't feel like a big deal. But I also feel very aware that my birthday is about nine months after everyone else's. Maybe I'll feel different when it's my turn, but right now I'm fairly happy with where I am and who I am. I'm looking forward to my 30's and seeing what we have install for each other.

I'd be lying if I said this is where I thought I'd be five years ago, heck, even one year ago. But while I sit here I think of all the amazing things I've done, the places I've seen, the people I've met and the experiences I've had. I'd like to think that when its my turn to turn the big 30, I'll think pretty much exactly the same as I do now. I'd like to think I'll be thinking the same thing when I turn 50, 70 and more. Just with many more experiences, journeys and friends.

I think the fact I have friends in their 30's (and above) makes a difference to my outlook too. I have some really amazing friends, hearing their experiences, their journeys to becoming the people they are today fills me with inspiration and motivation. These are people that have overcome real challenges within their life's. People that have shown me it's possible to start again, to explore new avenues of opportunity, and to enjoy life, make the most of whatever you have. Love it and live it!

Birthday wise, this year I didn't really celebrate it for various reasons and while I don't know where I'll be in nine months time. I do know that I'd like to spend it with my friends. Those people that are there for you whatever, those people that have your back. The people that inspire and motivate you. What else could you want.... Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind a good walk and some pizza too.

But hey, I've got nine more months to experience before then.

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