In the last week I’ve been posting more (slightly) generic positive thoughts on twitter, and here’s why.
We are at the midway point in January and I’ve heard New Years resolutions being mentioned on the radio. I think the presenters were saying this week (the third week in January) is when most New Years resolutions fail or end. That got me thinking.
I don’t usually make New Years resolutions, in fact I can’t think of a time when I even thought about making one. I guess the 500k (running distance) in a year was a calendar year challenge, but I’m pretty sure that was not a New Years resolution. It was thought out and planned before the end of the year.
After everything that has been the last few years, both good and bad, I kinda feel like a resolution might be nice. Definitely not a New Years one because, well, it’s mid January. But also it removes a lot of social and personal pressure to keep to it and not adjust if needed.
My resolution, for now, is to display more positivity; in an attempt to gradually feel more positive. To be clear, I’m not planning to falsely be positive or to pretend; I don’t have the desire or energy for that. But rather I will highlight my ‘moments’ of happiness and positivity.
My experience of depression and struggles with my own mental health have meant I often focus on, and am drawn to, the negative. Always negative first. So this resolution is about trying to, and learning to, better recognise those positive thoughts, feelings and emotions; those ‘moments’.
Hopefully this will maybe allow me a gradual balance or adjustment. To enjoy those moments more, to recognise, share and celebrate them.
It might not be everyday, it might not be every week, it might not last past January. But I’m giving this a quiet go and seeing how long and where the journey goes.
See how long I last and share in the positivity by following me on Twitter. I might even try to add some positive moments to Instagram.
If you are struggling with depression or low mood there is information on the Mind website about symptoms, self care and treatments.
You can also find your nearest local Mind if you live in England here.