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  • Writer's pictureMike Douglas


Well that was a snow few day right?! In fact some places still have snow falling.

Living in Havant, near Portsmouth, however I only really had 36 hours of snow. Thursday was the its going to come, but when and will it be notable day.

I spent the morning working remotely from a leisure complex, only to feel colder than I did in the car. At around 2.30 - 3pm I started my short journey home as the snow began to settle.

I spent Friday multitasking between working from home and taking a few snow photos. Like every other Blogger who seemingly grabbed their camera (and photographer boyfriend if they had one), I kept popping outside to get a photo.

Theres not many snow photo opportunities in the South of England, and even less during daylight hours. So it was nice to be able to pop out and take snaps.

At midday on Friday I had between 5 and 10cms, so it wasn't very deep. It was just that it was settling. I did hear that nearby Petersfield (a much more rural town) had considerably more. Its just like sun or rain I guess travel 2 minutes and it can be completely different weather.

In the afternoon I took a short walk to the woodlands nearby. It was nice to walk through the snow and breathe in the fresh air. There is something quite refreshing about seeing your own breath isn't there?

As I stumbled around, not being able to see the path or where the ground was level, I thought back to running around the woodlands. To completing 6 to 9 mile runs, while now I struggle to get out to run at all. Sure its been winter and I've had the holidays to get through, then there was the work stuff going on. But does that really prevent me running on the weekend? The answer is no.

However I haven't been out. In fact I have only run once since early to mid December. Its now MARCH!

This kind of lead to me feeling a bit down about me and my body. But given that I was outside and walking, partly for warmth, I didn't get as down as I usually do. I carried on taking a few photos and walked home. As I got in I had an idea...

While this was my own 'unique' idea, I rather think I was inspired by Bex who occasionally (and recently) posted her own body positive images. I do find it interesting how we see our bodies in a completely differently way to those that look at us.

Seeking my own moment of body positivity I decided to take a nude photo, in the snow!

I was super excited and nervous. I managed to work out a way to stand my phone up and put the camera on timer. However the original idea of laying on the floor seemed... a bit messy. The snow already had plenty of foot and paw prints, plus I really really don't like me in a laid down position. So I opted for sitting on the bench.

Then came the timing, I had to make sure I couldn't see anyone at their doors, windows or balconies. This is where some of the adrenaline came in. I knew I had to be quick, to not get too cold and make sure I didn't offend anyone with my body.

**Warning - Naked Mike**

While this was scary, I tried not to think about posting it. Because it obviously is one of those, you think about it you don't post it posts.

This was a really good thing for my own mentality around my body image (its important to state this is NOT for everyone). I have struggled a lot recently with my stomach and waist. I haven't felt great about it. Particularly around work and while dating, I feel a lack of pride about the way I look, I would even say I feel embarrassed at times.

So to have a moment when I wasn't as worried or overthinking about how my tummy looks. I was just "ahhhh, this is excited".

I want to continue to talk more about my body image. Its something I worry about and something that can affect my depression. So I figure the more I talk about it the more that'll help me.

Like mental health I feel awkward talking about something that I know other people struggle with more than me. But thats part of the problem. That doesn't matter, its not about comparing with someone else. You are your own story, plus you can never truly know how and to what extent someone else is affected by something. Not to mention that I often don't know how much I'm affected by something, let alone someone else.

There is so much more to say, but for now, I'm going to hit the shops in search or bread and cat food.

I hope you are all keeping warm and safe during these mixed weather conditions.

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