Short answer, it depends.
I recently saw a twitter post by Laurzrah saying she would design and produce media kits for a set (good) price. As I've said before I don't look at or worry about stats much, apart from the occasional milestone (when I notice it, lets not talk about missing my blog birthday by 9 months). But this media kit idea kind of stuck with me. I have seen Rhianna talk about them before along with a few other bigger bloggers.

I decided to google this 'blogger media kit' thing. The images that came up were actually super interesting and all quite different visually. While I still didn't feel like I needed a media kit, I now kind of wanted to make one. Just to find out more about my blog and podcast. Things like your top posts, your read/listenership and putting that information together into a cool design seemed suddenly very interesting and appealing. I wasn't fussed about sending it out, but actually producing it was what I wanted to do.
When I do that silly thing of comparing myself to others it makes me super nervous and feel like I'm a little rubbish blogger and all that. Well this was a cool way for me to acknowledge every success, however small! I don't have 10,000s and 100,000 stats or following. But I do have a cool group of people that do follow and support me. This was an awesome way to recognise them and the journey we have been on (if you're reading this, your part of that journey, so THANKS!!).
If you do want something to look great I would recommend checking out other bloggers media kits and consider asking them to produce yours. If like me your more interested in the process of producing the media kit, just do it. You don't have to share it. I'm thinking of maybe displaying mine at home when I get to the next milestone, like a blog or podcast birthday... maybe.
Whats included? When I looked there seemed to be a common collection of data and information. You don't have to include any of this, but if you plan to send your kit out the more you are able to include the better I think.

Your Logo - Make it clear and prominent, this is what you want people to remember.
Image of You - This is your blog, its about YOU.
Content - What is your focus? Do you have categories? I've seen some that have a paragraph or two about their content (usually on multi page media kits), I prefer a brief list, but thats me.
Social Media Followers - The number you have on each platform as you may have a super following on Insta but not on Facebook. Its best to be clear.
Website Views (per month/week/day) - Tricky one, I've seen a big variation on how this is shown. I prefer 'unique views/visitors' because this is one person equals one view. I've seen some that have 'page loads' or just 'views' well, I can sit here and hit refresh and my page loads will go up, but the unique views/visitors will not. So thats a more accurate and honest stat for my site. When I see 'loads' I expect to see 10,000s because you've obviously picked that stat because its higher. Thing is it doesn't mean anything.
Contact Information - If your sending this out its obviously needed. For me I have included it encase I decide to sent it out at a later date (with updated stats). But also because even just having it for me, it looks better. Plus it looks more professional.
Personally I think thats the key stuff, but heres some other popular inclusions.
Most Popular Posts - Show whats been successful, what are your audience most interested in?
Brands - Showing who you have already worked with helps to show you engage with brands and can sometimes help to quickly identify your focus.
Photos - The more images you include the more that breaks up the text. Again the images should help to show your main focus, along with your ability to take creative images.
Awards - I have seen some media kits that include mention of the awards they have been nominated, recognised in and/or won.
Services - If you offer a range of services or options, then this should probably be included.
You - Again in other (usually multi page kits) I have seen bloggers talk about themselves for a paragraph or two to provide an insight to them and hopefully stand out to the other bloggers potentially contacting the brand.
Sounds like a lot to include right! Well, again it depends on what your using it for. You may feel a 3 page media kit is needed when contacting big brands. For me, I mainly just wanted to go through the process of actually producing my own. Its not perfect, but its close to what I would send out if I were to sent one out. I want it to be honest, easy to read and stand out a bit. I think I would change the second image on mine if I sent it out, but for me its fine. Even if I was 'big time' hahaha, I think I would still keep to a page its much more welcoming. However I can see, particularly the word 'kit' does imply more. I thought when I first heard the work it was a 3 to 10 page thing. That was one of the reasons I never really looked at producing one of this before. Plus not actually feeling like I needed one.
Thats my quick blogger media kit over view, check out other bloggers kits to get a good feel. Goggle is your friend here.
I'm including a screen shot of mine below, because it would be super weird to talk about it and not show you, hahaha. That being said I know this is already about to be out of date. I have some amazing podcasts lined up and have a brand collaboration post coming soon. So again, if you are actively using / sending this out make sure its up to date.
Im actually super nervous about sharing my stats, I feel judged by me as much as you haha. But I am super please with the growth in my blog and podcast, particularly since the start of 2017. So heres me!